Find Out More – Sheet Metal Worker
Course: Sheet Metal Worker
Trade Title: Sheet Metal Worker
OFO No: 651301
Accreditation Body: Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
What is a Sheet Metal Worker
A sheet metal worker is a skilled tradesman who creates, installs, and repairs sheet metal products.
Sheet metal workers are typically employed at construction sites, in metal shops, or at manufacturing plants. They can specialize in fabrication, installation, or maintenance, though most are skilled in all three areas. Sheet metal workers employed by a factory, however, are traditionally unskilled, performing only one repetitive task. All sheet metal workers make use of specialized equipment where they cut, form, or weld sheets of metal to create useful products for both commercial and industrial applications
Training Requirements:
- You will need to obtain institutional learning at a training institution like Artisan Training Institute, in order for all your modules to be performed in the presence of and signed off by a registered Training Officer as competent. All modules passed will be signed off in your Logbook by the Training Officer.
- Your Phase I would typically last around 15 weeks, after which you would need to obtain experiential (on-the-job) training for a period of 9 months, working under supervision of a registered Artisan at an accredited workplace. The Artisan will sign off all the relevant workplace modules performed on the job.
- Your Phase II will commence thereafter for a period of 12 weeks. Once again you would need to continue your on-the-job training as mentioned above for another period of 9 months.
- Once all the relevant modules in both your Off-the-Job Logbook (training institute) and On-the-Job Logbook have been successfully completed and signed off, you will be able to apply to write the Trade Test.
- Upon the successful demonstration to the QCTO that all the requirements for writing the Trade Test have been met, will your Trade Test date be issued.